always a catholic schoolboy... (dedicated to drowning wisdom in verbiage)

Thursday, March 31, 2005

National Panic Awareness Day

Not much time to write today. As indicated by the low wail of sirens outside my office window, today is National Panic Awareness Day. Hooray! Tomorrow I will hand over my thesis, for which revision is going well, but I wish it were just *better* than it is. Maybe this is part of why writers usually keep writing all their live-long days. Plus, it's been a busy week what with a ballet review (Cinderella re-choreographed by Jacques Cesbron), preparation for classes, and my very least favorite activity ... grading. It's enough to make a person move to California, where instead of a grade, instructors draw a shape at the top of assignments.

Jimmy: "What do you say, Mom? Can we go get ice-cream?"
Mom: "I'm afraid not, dear. You brought home straight triangles this week."

Still the weather is warm, the living is easy, what's not to enjoy? Oops, now it's time for a Level Orange lunch break. Don't worry, more to come - this stream will pour from my mouth until I no longer have one.


Blogger Alison Stine said...

Chris Million! Published poet! I have so much to say to you. I am so proud of you. I am seeking your advice once more on my battered heart. Check your e-mail. I'm so glad too there is now this way to keep track of you...

big love,

3:17 PM


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