always a catholic schoolboy... (dedicated to drowning wisdom in verbiage)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Theory: One Day Late is Great

It's important to know how businesses make their money. Especially when deciding how late to return things lent to you by one such money-making venture. The power company makes its money by filling the air with smoke, so if you don't feel like mailing your check for $112.59 tomorrow, it's cool, bud. Just send it a week from now and make it out for $114. Likewise, public libraries make their money by taking note of the decline of both western literature and the reading public. Therefore, why not keep your battered VHS copy of Chinatown a few extra days. No one will miss it... so long as you cough up two bits. On the other hand, screwing around with your landlord, the IRS, or my cousing Guido is not such a good idea. Too much pain involved.

The whole point of billing by mail is to allow the customer the pleasure of paying the bill at his/her leisure. This is why I take such decisions so carefully. Due the fourth, you say? I think not! I will govern the dispensal of my own funds, thank you very much. And this automatic withdrawal for monthly bills, granting them electronic access to my every last cent? Don't count on it, corporate dudes. So, in short, it's a fine day when you can send your little check in the mail a day after it was due, just to let the bigwigs know where you stand.

*The best I could manage for today - my thoughts are scattered on account of an important discussion in the near future...


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